Phones |
Colombia - Phone Numbers
Phones in ColombiaCountry Code: +57International Call Prefix: 00 followed by 1 or 3 digit carrier code Trunk Prefix: 0 followed by 1 or 3 digit carrier code
Landline service in Colombia |
Phone numbers in Colombia - Local numbers follow the pattern: NXX-XXXX - Where N is a range from 2-8. Numbers where N is 9 are reserved for pay phones. |
Domestic long-distance - Domestic long-distance numbers follow the pattern: 0AB -NXX-XXXX / 0AxyB -NXX-XXXX - Where A represents one of the four national long-distance carriers, but new long distance operators are using 0Axy format:
456 Telmex |
444 Comcel |
5 Orbitel |
7 ETB |
9 Telefónica |
And B represents the dialing zone where the call originates. Each department belongs to only one dialing zone:
1 Bogotá and Cundinamarca |
2 Valle del Cauca, Cauca and Nariño |
4 Antioquia, Chocó and Córdoba |
5 Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, La Guajira, Magdalena and Sucre |
6 Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío |
7 Santander, Norte de Santander and Arauca |
8 Boyacá, Tolima, Huila, San Andrés, Meta, Caquetá and the Amazon and Orinoco departments (Casanare, Vichada, Guainía, Vaupés, Guaviare, Amazonas and Putumayo) |
International dialing -
To dial internationally from Colombia, subscribers dial using the pattern: 00456 -Telmex Int'l Long Distance service. 00A -XX... Where A represents the long-distance carrier, as described above. |
Mobiles in Colombia
Calls to a mobile phone Mobile phone numbers follow the pattern: MMM -XXX-XXXX when calling from any mobile phone 03-MMM -XXX-XXXX when calling from any landline phone 57-MMM -XXX-XXXX when calling from outside Colombia Where MMM represents the access code for one of the country's three mobile phone operators:
300, 301, 302, 304 Tigo - Mobile Operator in Colombia |
310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 320, 321 Comcel - Mobile Operator in Colombia |
315, 316, 317, 318 Movistar - Mobile Operator in Colombia |
Calls from a mobile phone - Calls from a mobile phone to a domestic landline phone follow the pattern: 03B -NXX-XXXX |
Where B corresponds to the dialing zone of the receiving phone. To dial internationally from a mobile phone, the procedure is identical to calling from a landline phone. |
Toll-free service - Toll-free numbers follow the pattern: 01-800 -XXX-XXXX |
Old Format: Before 2002, the format was 9800 -XXXXXX. When the current format was adopted in that year, existing toll-free numbers were given the format 01-800-0 XX-XXXX. These numbers were advertised with the grouping 01-8000 -XXX-XXX, leading many people to erroneously believe that the general prefix for toll-free numbers is 01-8000 . |
Other phone services |
Toll-based service: 01-900 -XXX-XXXX and 01-901 -XXX-XXXX |
Dial-up Internet service billed per minute: 01-947 -XXX-XXXX and 01-948 -XXX-XXXX |
Emergency numbers (Colombian National Police) Is 1-1-2 , called linea ciento doce (hundred and twelve line) - In the cities of Bogotá, Medellin - Cúcuta, dial 1-2-3 , for police, fire department and general emergencies |
Telephone numbers by country |
Telecommunications in Colombia |
References from Telephone numbers in Colombia Wikipedia |
How can I find people in Colombia? Use the list of telephones services to search phone numbers in Colombia. - |
Where to search mobile phone numbers in Colombia? - Use the list of mobile services to locate the phone operator and special dial codes for Colombia. |
Where to find the area codes for the cities in Colombia? List of City Dial Codes of Colombia. Use the Colombia Phone Services. Find phones in the cities in Colombia. |
Where can I find people in Colombia? Use the white pages section to find free information about phone numbers, address, names and other information very helpful to locate people. |
Where to search business in Colombia? The list of yellow pages in Colombia can be used to find more information to locate for business and other professional services. Phone Numbers, Address and more. List with telephone numbers search services to find phone information about people or business. |
Cell Phones in Colombia
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Phones in Colombia
Where to find the best cell phones in Colombia? Search smartphones by brand, model and technical specifications. List of cell phones and plans in stores and mobile companies in Colombia. Find the best prices in mobile phone companies. Packages, offers and promotions. Prepaid and billing plans with internet, minutes, messages, whatsapp, social networks, wifi and TV. Samsung in Colombia
![]() iPhone in Colombia
Motorola in Colombia
Xiaomi in Colombia
Huawei in Colombia
Honor in Colombia
Oppo in Colombia
OnePlus in Colombia
LG in Colombia
HTC in Colombia - Ultra, Desire, One - The HTC U12 Plus screen is 6,00 inches with a resolution of 1440x2880 pixels, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 octa-core of 2,8 GHz processor with 6GB of RAM. Runs Android 8.0 and the battery is 3500 mAh. The back camera is 12 Ultrapixels and 8 megapixels selfie front camera.
Sony in Colombia
Nokia in Colombia
Alcatel in Colombia
ZTE in Colombia - Blade Max, V8, V7, Axon 7, Pro - The Blade V8 includes 2 cameras and fingerprint reader. The best sound experience. High Quality Photos with the Bokeh effect.
Pixel in Colombia
Android in Colombia