Phones in Caldas

Phones in Caldas

Caldas - Mobile Phones in Colombia
Caldas - Mobiles and Phone Companies. Prepaid Packages with Internet, Messages and Social Networks. Find Mobile Phones in Technology Stores
Caldas - Area Code : (+57)6
Manizales - Caldas - Area Code : (+57)6
Find Phones in Caldas : Manizales (Capital), Aguadas, Anserma, Aranzazu, Belalcázar, Chinchiná, Filadelfia, La Dorada, La Merced, Manzanares, Marmato, Marquetalia, Marulanda, Neira, Norcasia, Palestina, Pensilvania, Pácora, Riosucio, Risaralda, Salamina, Samaná, San José, Supia, Victoria, Villamaria, Viterbo
Departament : Caldas - Capital : Manizales - Area (km²) : 7.888 - Municipalities : 27 - Population (hab. 2010)​ : 988.003 - Density (hab. /km²) : 125,25 - IDH​ : 0,828 - Creation Date : 1905
Nevado del Ruiz - Villamaria, Caldas - Map
Los Nevados - Carretera Bogota-Manizal Km. 45, Murillo, Tolima - Map
Manizales Is the Capital of the Department
Caldas General Information and Updated References 

Covid en Caldas

Coronavirus COVID-19 en Colombia, Casos 5,975,786, Muertes 135,992, Porcentaje (2.28%), Fecha 2022-02-08 04:21:15 - Caldas, Casos 116,083, Muertes 2,437 (2.1%),
Salud en Colombia
How to dial to Caldas ?
of Caldas - Information by city. Phone Stores
Phones in Caldas : Manizales, Aguadas, Anserma, Aranzazu, Belalcázar, Chinchiná, Filadelfia, La Dorada, La Merced, Manzanares, Marmato, Marquetalia, Marulanda, Neira, Norcasia, Pácora, Palestina, Pensilvania, Riosucio, Risaralda, Salamina, Samaná, San José, Supía, Victoria, Villamaría, Viterbo,
of Caldas by City and Departament. Code for phone calls, messages and and whatsapp.
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